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This handsome structure is located at No. 16 East
Church Avenue and was completed about two years

Mr. Marsteller is
illustration an enthusiastic automobilist,
and his frequent
tours throughout
the country suggested
the advisability
of having a
first class garage located
at Roanoke for
the benefit of tourists
and to accommodate
local business.

The Model Garage
was accordingly
built and covers a
space fifty by one
hundred feet with additional storage space in the rear
covering two thousand five hundred square feet, and in
many respects surpasses any building of the kind in the
State of Virginia.

The building is three stories in height, fireproof
throughout, and is one of the handsomest and best
equipped garages in the whole country.

It is, as its name implies, a "Model" garage, and is
complete in all essentials with supplies and accessories
of every description for the accommodation of tourists
and local patrons.

It is commented upon by tourists as being the best
equipped garage between New York and Jacksonville,
and as rendering prompt and efficient service at all