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400-401-402. General Geology. [Watson.]

1-2, M. T. W.

A course of three lectures a week and three hours for private study.
Special emphasis is given to the study of common rock-forming minerals
and rocks, building stones and ores. The divisions of Dynamical, Structural
and Physiographical Geology are covered in considerable detail.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

403-404-405. Economic Geology. [Watson.]

12-1, M. T. W.

This course is designed to give a general but comprehensive account
of the origin, nature, distribution and uses of the metallic and non-metallic
products of the earth with especial reference to those of the United States.
Lectures and collateral reading six hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

420-421-422. Mining. [Thornton.]

9-10, Th. F. S.

Exploitation of mines, mining machinery and the uses of electricity
in mining. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)