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Jesu, Great Redeemer, hear
A feeble sinner's cry;
Thou in my behalf appear,
And bring salvation nigh:
To my Lord what shall I say?
Saviour, I of Thee have need;
Take, O, take my sins away,
And make me free indeed.
Thee, all-lovely as Thou art,
Should I profess to love,
Surely my rebellious heart
The falsehood would disprove:
Thee my heart cannot obey
Till from every evil freed:
Take, O, take, &c.


Should I say, that aught in me
Of good doth now abide,
Self-condemn'd I now should be;
My all is self and pride.
Guilty, guilty, must I say,
Nothing, Lord, have I to plead:
Take, O, take, &c.
No desire or will have I
Thy mercy to embrace;
From Thine arms of love I fly,
And slight Thy proffer'd grace:
But Thou didst my ransom pay,
But Thy blood for me was shed:
Take, O, take, &c.
Thy salvation to obtain,
Out of myself I go;
Freely Thou must heal my pain,
Thy unbought mercy show;
For myself I cannot pray;
Let Thy Spirit intercede:
Take, O, take, &c.
Not because I willing am,
On me this grace be show'd;
But Thou art the' Atoning Lamb,
Therefore apply Thy blood:
Therefore, Lord, no more delay,
Therefore heal my soul, and lead;
Take, O, take my sins away,
And make me free indeed.