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Cotes Chesters B: that burnt brave Marsh, did tell
The folk he was a fire brand of hell
Did quickly turn up's heels, tis said more o're
By many, dide of th'burning of a Whore.
His Maidliness then being tride twas found
That Small Virginity did in him bound.


------ of Hitcham who
------ against John Cooper so
------ unto the Lord said pray
------ Queen Mary take away
------ the Divell would which he denide
------ tendred clearing, but the judge replide
------ should example be of Hereticks.
------ judgd him for the Same thus on him fixt
------ be soon hangd, Drawn, and then Quarter'd up
Which so was done. But now behold the Cup
Doth pass to Grimwood, and next harvest he
Doth find a Righteous God whose hand shall bee
Made glorious upon him: therefore while
He stacking was a Gaff of Corn from Spoile,
In perfect health his bowells Suddenly
Out of his body fell, thus did he dy [.]