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CCLVII. Governor in Virginia. A Commission to Sir George Yeardley September 10, 1622



CCLVII. Governor in Virginia. A Commission to Sir George
September 10, 1622

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, Part ii, Pages 38a, 39
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 362

By the Governor and Captaine generall of Virginia.

To all Christian people to whom this p̢sent writing shall come, greeting.
Whereas of late through the Savadge and bloody crueltie of the heathen
Natiues of this Cuntrie, many of his Matℯ subiectℯ haue treacherously
beene murdered, and much outrage by them donn vnto almost all the
seuerall Plantations of this Cuntrie, wch damned fact of theires, although
we must wth all humblenes of mind, acknowledge the iust hand of God to
haue fallen vppon vs for or Sines: yet can we do no lesse (conceiving or
selues to be bound therevnto in conscience) both cheifly for the glory of
God, and loue towardℯ or brethren (whose blood, no doubt, crieth to
heaven for vengance) but to endeavor and put in practice, shuch force and
meanes, as God at p̢sent doth aford vnto vs, thereby to repay vnto them,
and wth Godℯ mercifull assistance, fully to reveng theire cruell deedℯ.
Know yee therefore that I Sr Francis Wyatt knight Governor and Capt
generall of Virginia duly waighing and consideringe the p̢misses, as also
in p̢sent consideration of the p̢sent estate of this Colony, now in very
great want of Corne; Out of the assurance that I haue in the vertue, valor,
and discretions of my trusty and welbeloved frend Sr George Yeardley
knight one of his Matℯ Counsell for Virginia; do will and require him
the said Sr George Yeardley forthwth to take his iorney and vioadge
together wth such Groupℯ of men and Souldiers, as he shall find willing
throughout all partℯ of this Colony, to accompany him; and them together
wth theire furniture and amunition to transport in such Shippℯ, Barkℯ,
and Boatℯ, as are now riding in this Riuer; and wch he shall thinke needfull
and nessessarie; and so wth all possible speed, (as God shall giue leaue)
and the wind and weather p̱mitt; to go for the Riuer of Pamunke, and any
other Ruier wthin the Bay of Chesipiack, and elsewhere, as he shall thinke
fitt, wthin any part of the limitℯ graunted by his Matie to the Company of
Virginia, to make warr, kill, spoile, and take by force or otherwise what-


soeu9 boote of Corne, or any thing else he can attaine vnto, from any
the Salvadges or enemies. By these p̢sentℯ willing and Comanding all
and every p̱son and p̱sons going along wth him in the said vioadge willingly
and readily to obey, and execute to theire vttermost power, all his Comandℯ
and direcc̃ons wch he shall thinke fitt from time to time, to giue vnto them,
as duly and respectiuely as if I my self were p̱sonally p̢sent, and that at
theire vttermost p̱ill; Giueing and graunting vnto the said Sr George
Yeardley full power and authoritie, to Comand, Gouern, and direct, and
if need require to punish and corect whatsoeu9 offending partie, as he in
his discrescion, shall thinke fitt, his authority in such cases extending so
farr, as by vertue of my Comission of Governor of Virginia I may any
way deriue vnto him.
The great Seale

Given att James Citty vndr my hand and the great Seale of the Colony
the xth of September in the yeares [39] of the Raigne of or Soveraigne
Lord, James by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and
Ireland, Kinge, Defendor of the faith &c (viz) of England &c, the twentieth,
and of Scotland the lvj in the yeare of or Lord God one thousand six
hundred twentie two, and in the Sixteenth yeare of this Plantation.

To Sr George Yeardley for his Vioage to Pamunkey.
Francis Wyatt