University of Virginia Library


The mists were gone—the sun rode high;
The pair went paddling merrily
Each bay and cove and nook to try;
In loving converse sauntering slow
Or darting swiftly to and fro,
Except for pleasure, purposeless
As minnow-crowds whose sinuous stream
Meandering through the azure gleam
Darkened the watery depths below.
It chanced the boats a moment lay
With prows that pointed both one way,
Amo's ahead a little space:
A sudden whim lit up her face;
Then, as a challenge for a race,


She chaunted, ere away she sped,
With laughing frowns of loving spite,
Set teeth and sideways-shaken head,
Mock words of bitter-sweet delight:
“I am Hátu! I'm Hátu! poor boy of the glen
Whom the wicked witch-giantess hid in her den!
And you are the Giantess hoarding her prize
With her terrible claws—O such hideous eyes!
But I've fled from caresses I . . . hate, O so much!
Escaped from her loathsome, her horrible touch—
From her dreadful . . . dear! . . . clutches escaped to the plain,
And I dare, I defy her, to catch me again!”—