University of Virginia Library


OR THE D---Y OF A D---G---N.

A pain lay heavy on my heart,
And sorely racked my breast;
All day I felt the bitter smart,
All night I got no rest.
On Sunday at the solemn church,
I saw her golden hair;
But ah! she left me in the lurch,
And yet the pain was there.
Then Monday dawned, and with the sun
I prematurely rose;
Her presence still I could not shun,
And it increased my woes.
The Tuesday followed all too slow,
To soothe my fretful frame;
And every wind, that chanced to blow,
But breathed my darling's name.
By Wednesday ere the crisis dire,
Came to a ghastly point;
My very flesh seemed full of fire,
My bones were out of joint.
The Thursday brought my lawyer round,
With all his legal skill;
I chose a piece of sacred ground,
And calmly made my will.
On Friday had she seen me pine,
It surely would have shocked her;
At first I summoned a divine,
And then I called a doctor.


On Saturday a wondrous change
Upon my spirit fell;
The draught had sped, and (what was strange)
I felt completely well.
Perchance it may some pity move,
Though sad is the suggestion;
This was no diary of love,
But only of digestion.