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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CCXXXV. Isaiah, Chap. VI.


CCXXXV. Isaiah, Chap. VI.

Isaiah sees the Glory of God. A Seraph touches his Tongue, &c.

The Year Uzziah did the Bless'd augment,
This wond'rous Vision was to Esay sent:
High on his Throne he saw th'Almighty plac'd,
His bright angelic Train the Temple grac'd:
The favour'd Seraphim attend above,
Six Wings has each compos'd of Fire and Love:
With Two they veil'd their Face, their Feet with Two,
With the remaining Pair sublime they flew:
Th'Archangel then their best-lov'd Anthem sung,
While with the Sound the vaulted Temple rung:
O Holy! Holy! Holy! thrice he cries,
Thy boundless Glory fills both Earth and Skies:
Trembled the solid Pillars at the Noise,
And Heav'n and Earth repeat th'Archangel's Voice:
The House was fill'd with smould'ring Flames and Smoak,
Which from the broad-leav'd Gates incessant broke:
I'm lost, for ever lost, the Prophet cries,
Jehovah seen with these polluted Eyes:


Prophane my Lips, I hope for Life in vain,
Who in a Nation dwell of Lips profane:
When loe a Seraph singled from the Quire,
Snatches a Coal from th'Altars hallow'd Fire;
This on his trembling Lips unhurt he laid,
Henceforth be clean, thy Sins are purg'd he said.
A louder Voice ('twas God himself that spoke)
Thus from the Throne with dazling Splendor broke:
“Who shall of all her Sons, to this bad Land be sent,
“To warn 'em of their Crimes, if yet they can repent!
With humble Boldness did the Saint reply,
And not decline th'ungrateful Embassy:
Go then, said God, and tell th'Apostate Land,
Hearing they hear but will not anderstand:
Their Hearts they harden, and they close their Eyes,
Blind to their Welfare, Deaf to sound Advice:
Afraid lest they their Darling Sins shou'd leave,
And close their Wounds, and Life, and Health receive:
Obstinate to their Ruin; ripe for Fate;
Nor longer shall my injur'd Patience wait:
Their Cities shall be waste, their Land be desolate.
Yet shall a Tenth my Portion still remain,
And to their happy Seats return again;


Like some broad Oak whose with'ring Leaves are shed,
And Earth with its dishevell'd Honours spread:
While its strong Heart the Winter's Rage defies,
Entrench'd within, the vital Vigor lies,
And waits a kinder Heav'n and milder Skies;
Till welcom Spring its Beauty shall restore,
And spread its leavy Shade more ample than before.