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And to begin, first Justice layes a Tax
On Morgan, who adjudged to the Axe
Jane Gray, the Paragon of Ladies brave
That soon he doth grow mad, and in his Rave
The Lady Jane, the Lady Jane he Cries
While Life remains, and (as a madman) dies.
And Bishop Morgan Farrars firy judge
That burnt him, and Succeeded him, the grudge
Of Justice Gods right hand did take him by
The throat, that made his Swallowd food up fly
Back through his nose, or mouth while life remain'd
Most horrible to see, till death him gaind.
The Sheriff Leason too that burnt him and
His Cattle fetcht out of his Servants hand,
Found divers of them in his Pastures eate
No grass but bellowd, roard, and dyde for meate.
Justice did lay her hands on Nightingaile
In Crandall Pulpet as he told his tale
Against his Text he tooke which thus doth say
He that doth say he hath no Sin (nay, nay)
He is a Liar. Truth is not in him
Presum'd to say, he was as Cleare from Sin
As at the Font Stone, nay an[d] in the night
That born he was. He had a Pardon right
Of Poole, the Cardinall, who did enjoyn
Him now to read the Bull of all Such kine.
Which done he said he did believe he was
Thus Clean by vertue of it but alas
Immediatly upon this blasphemy
Was Struck down dead before their very eye [.]