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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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[As on a day Sabina fell asleepe]

As on a day Sabina fell asleepe,
Into her bower by stealth then I did creepe:
And first spake softe, then loude unto my deare;
And still Sabina heard, but would not heare.
Then to my selfe more courage did I take.
When I preceiv'd shee did both winke and wake,
Then downe I lay'd mee by her on the ground,
And still awake, asleepe, Sabina found.
Then shew'd her sightes more strange to her then mee,
Yet still Sabina sawe, but would not see.
Now when as I had try'd all waies but one,
I lookt about, and found my selfe alone.
Then thought it best, the best waie for to wooe,
And still Sabina did, but would not doe:
Then did I touch each part from head to heele,
Yet still Sabina felt but would not feele.
Nowe from the doer whie should shee have hid it,
Yf it be true that twas Sabina did it?
But shee saies nay; I sweare and saie soe too:
Shee did both heare, and see, and feele, and doe.