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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Page 695


John, son of William Edmund Clopton, and grandson of Hon. John
Clopton, of New Kent county, Virginia, was born in Richmond, Virginia,
January 6, 1835. His mother's maiden name was Mary A.
Aperson. He married, at James City, Virginia, July 6, 1875, Willie S.
Piggott, who was born at James City, and is a daughter of Fielding
and Eliza H. Piggott. Their children are five, born in the order named:
John Fielding, William Edmund, Martha A., Mary E., George Izard.

Dr. Clopton attended school in Stewart county, Tennessee, and New
Kent, Virginia. He graduated in medicine at the Virginia Medical
College on March 9, 1857, and practiced until the beginning of the war
in Caroline county, Virginia, New Kent and Richmond. In 1861 he entered
service, Company F., Richmond volunteers, and was soon after
appointed assistant surgeon, 1st Texas Infantry. Later he was assigned
as surgeon to the 16th Georgia regiment. After the battle of
Chickamauga he was appointed medical purveyor of Longstreet's
Corps, so serving until after the battle of the Wilderness. Then he was
appointed post purveyor at Petersburg, Virginia, then purveyor of
North Carolina until the close of the war. Returning to Richmond, he
engaged in practice there until, in 1868, he was appointed, by the Federal
Government, assistant physician at the Eastern Lunatic Asylum,
Williamsburg. He filled that position until the election of Governor
Cameron, after which he practiced in Charles City county, until 1884,
then returned to the Asylum, resuming the duties of Assistant Physician,
in which he still continues. Dr. Clopton is a member of the Masonic