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April 22-28
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April 22-28

Sunday hear Mr. Martin in the morning and at night go to the University Chapel and hear Mr. Scott, the former chaplain ....I have a nice time this week and read, sleep and visit. Dine one day with my cousins Lucy and Mary Terrel and have such a pleasant stay. They are such agreeable old spinsters ....Oh, how many old memories come thronging up at the sight of them-some of those happy days when life seemed so bright before me-but enough of this, I've much to be thankful for. Read Miss Murdock's Life For A Life-what a book it is! She must have studied the human heart wel1 ....I find [the visitors at Rugby] rather young to be much of a companion for me. Oh, seems how I wish I could make myself companionable for all ages. I feel so lonely sometimes and can get up an interest in so few people ....