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But what seest thou, these days, O foster Muse,
Which all this land surview'st, in sacred Alban?
In Avalon, Joseph and the brethren saints,
Are fathers to all orphans of the war;
And make resort to them, poor heathen souls,
As bees, to honey sweetness of Spring flowers.
Hath this year's harvest yielded, in the holms,
An hundred-fold. Such is God's blessing there,
On Shalum, Christ's disciple's hands; who hath
Enough, to nourish all who needy; nor
The bitter cry is heard there, any more,
Of outlaws, who, for misery, ready were
To perish. Joseph, Father-of-the-poor,
The Stranger, daily also, on the sick,
Lays healing hands; and they recover health.