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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Freedome from Charmes.


Go, fair Inchantress! charm no more,
But give thy fascinations o're;
Since I have found a pow'rful Spel,
That doth thy cunning Art excel;
For when I think of thy disdain,
I'm free from witchcraft, or from pain.


When I was young and unbetray'd,
All then was Oracle you said;
So innocent I was of guile,
I thought love dwelt in every smile:
But now that cloud of youth is spent,
I find you'r all but complement.


I'le love no more, I'le learn to hate,
I'le study to equivocate,
And all my pleasures now shall be
To cozen those would cozen me;
For Loves best musick runs (I find)
On fickle changes of the mind.