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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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To Cit.

I wonder Cit thou art so confident
Sure I ne'r gave thee such encouragement,
I never borrowed of thee, nor was I
Ever once drunk in thy base companie,
Nor did you e'r pimp for me, or bid me come
To dinner with your friendly wife at home,
You ne'r yet offer'd to be bound for me
Nor canst claim kinred by affinitie:
How dare you then be so familiar
With me? what! do you think because you are
Free of the City, and in time may be
The grave Cinquater of your Companie
Or 'cause sometimes you walk in scarlet gowne,
Reverenc'd by boys and watermen oth' town,
Or 'cause your sattin doublet's girt with gold,
I'm therefore bound to you? are you thus bold
Because you are grown rich by wicked gain?
To your shop Squundrel! and your wares again!
And converse there with thy Apprentices.
If thou'lt oblige me with true curtesies
And lend gentilely, then perhaps I'l own
Thee for a friend, else thou'rt a Cit: be gone.