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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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He who would chain the Eaglewing of Mind
Within the narrow Circle of his own
Particular Creed, alas! cannot be one
Of those who love the Truth: yet such we find:
Nor wanting those that with base Shackles bind
Her nobler Votaries, who labour on
With Martyrcourage, 'till the Goal be won:
With Martyrreverence and Zeal ne'er blind,
That will not take a Lie, nor accept aught
Of Man's Inventions, for her divine Light.
It is a Task with Peril ever fraught
To take it from the Bushel, where from Sight
The Cunning-ones of Earth have hid it, taught
That Men cannot be Slaves and see aright!