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Poems of home and country

Also, Sacred and Miscellaneous Verse

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Up, ye nations, raise
Songs of grateful praise;
Let creation round,
Ring the joyful sound;
Let each happy voice,
In the Lord rejoice;
Jesus, now adore,
Sovereign, evermore;
He who loved our souls,
He whose mercy rolls
O'er our guilty stains,—
Jesus ever reigns.
Now His pains are o'er,
Who our sorrows bore;
Now He mounts the throne,
Worthy, He alone,
Evermore to wear,
Wreaths of glory there;
See the rainbow shine,
Pledge of love divine;
See it o'er His head,
Rays of splendor shed!
Earthly glory wanes;
Jesus ever reigns.
Thou, of David's race,
Thou, the Prince of Peace,
Thou, Almighty Word,
Thou, Incarnate Lord,


Worthy art, to be
Praised in melody,
Poured from thousand tongues,
Swelled in thousand songs.
Worthy is Thy name,
Sin-atoning Lamb,
Thou, who once wast slain,
Evermore to reign.
Lord, our praise we bring,—
Praise to Christ, our King;
Praise to Him whose love
Leads our souls above;
Praise to Him whose power
Guards us hour by hour.
Sing, ye choirs on high;
Angel bands, reply,
Mortals, old and young,—
Let each joyful tongue,
Join the lofty strains,—
Jesus ever reigns.