University of Virginia Library

April 8 -14

Easter Sunday a sermon from Mr. Meade....How many thoughts of the past this season calls up. Last year I had my darling little Emily with me and I was so happy. This year we are widely separated and with little prospect of our meeting on earth again and there are other sad changes for me, some that will have great influence on my future life but I must try to bear up bravely under them all. May God help me so to do. Lizzie Dee spends a night with us. She gives us all the news of the neighborhood. Mary Lewis and Johnny leave on Wednesday. Mary Lewis will perhaps be away three or four weeks. Brother James and Sister Mary come up shopping. They call by for me and we spend the day together in town. Dine at Kellers. [Visitors.]....Mr. Coffman called. Mignon brought in one of her new kittens to the parlor to show him.