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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Truth's Martyrs ne'er by Tyranny are crush'd,
They have a thousand Lives; tho' baffled Hate
Scatter their Ashes, 'tis but to create
From every Particle of hallowed Dust
A Spark of Truth, that dies not out, but must
Or soon or late blaze up; few Years may date
Their bright Career, or Guilt anticipate:
'Tis but to make them of all Time, a Trust
And Pledge to Worlds betray'd: the Light
That burns within them is of Heaven's best,
And may not be extinguished, tho' the Might
Of Hell be leagued its Lightnings to arrest;
It passes harmless o'er truetempered Sight,
Scathing the Tyrant on his Throne, 'till Earth have Rest!
Henceforth, a spiritual Presence o'er
The Earth they watch—a thousand Forms they take,
Live in a thousand Hearts, not as before
In one: 'till multiplying more and more,
The Universal Heart in each awake
And each in it, for Parts the Whole still make!


And then again they live in one Heart, as
Before, for Mankind's Heart grows what theirs was;
Thus in their single Breast the Hearts of all they bore!