University of Virginia Library

Epigr. 15. In Misum.

First Misus coueted a peece of goold,
Then a small house, and little garden plott.
Then copie land, and after a freeholde.
At last a shipp by coueting he got,
Then out he streched reaching auarice,
To a shippe loade with goolde, and by degrees,


Manours and castles tempt his hollow eyes,
Then to a mine of goold he swiftly flees.
Then greater Lordships he doth seaze vpon.
No goold can still his bottomles desire.
Nothing can scape his goold, he presseth on,
And to all India lastly doth aspire.
Where now a little mine hath him inhold,
Where is nor house, garden, land, ship nor goold.