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One Goodwy Prest a poor poor woman loe
And as unpromising as most do show,
Yet filld with Holy Things of God such Store
Its very rare to finde in any more,
Yea was a Woman Constant in Christs Faith
As Ever was upon the earth, For Saith
Was burnt at Exeter by Trouble-Vile
Because she would not from the truth recoyle
And Sharpe, with Hale burning at Bristall lay
In fifty Seven th'Seventh day of May.
And Benion too burnt for the Same Cause there
August the twenty Seventh of that yeare.


------ at Bristow burn'd
------ 'cause from Christ hed not be turnd
In th'latter dayes of Mary, Richard Snell
And John his brother loving Christs truth well
---kins did Cast in Richmond Jayle untill
Their toes were rotted off: but past his Skill
To bring them off from Christ, yet brought to pass
By force to bring them where one heard the Mass:
But he departing did himselfe bewaile
And drownd himselfe soon after in the Swaile.
But John was Sentenced by Dakins Vile
Who to his house returnd, and in the While
Was summon'd hence by death who to the fire
Condemned had this martyre to expire
Who in the flame Christ help me Cride whereto
One said Oh hold fast there. And we also
Will for thee pray. And he within this flame
Ended his mortall Life for Christ Choice name[.]