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Shop-Work 1. Required for M. E. and E. E. [Instructors; Afternoon

The Fall Term is given to Wood-work, the Winter Term to
Pattern-making. The class is divided into sections, each containing
not over sixteen men. These are carefully drilled by competent instructors
in the use of hand tools, the accurate execution of the
standard joints used in construction, the use of the lathe, and the
operation of the simpler machine-tools for wood-working. The principles
of moulding are then taught, and the analysis of patterns and
core boxes is carefully given. The student is then required to execute
for himself a number of simple examples of typical patterns. In the
Spring Term the class is broken up into squads of five men and each
squad is carefully drilled in the use and adjustments of the most
important field instruments and in Plane Surveying. Special attention
is given to such exercises as are of peculiar interest and value
to Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.