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[Most gracious God, reveal]

At the commandment of the Lord they rested, &c. —ix. 23.

Most gracious God, reveal
Thy will concerning me;
Whate'er I do, whate'er I feel,
I follow Thy decree.
Myself, and all my ways
To Thee I still resign,
Led by the Spirit of Thy grace,
And by the word Divine.
Jesus, I here abide,
Thy pleasure to fulfil;
My soul and all its motions guide
By Thy most holy will;


The counsels of Thy love
Be on my heart impress'd,
It then shall at Thy bidding move,
And at Thy bidding rest.
Eternal Spirit, spread
Thy love throughout my breast,
Who didst Thine ancient people lead,
And causedst them to rest:
While Thou my leader art,
And mak'st me Thine abode,
I find the witness in my heart
That I am born of God.
Father, Thy will be done!
To Thee I all resign,
The sole Disposer of Thine own,
Dispose of me, and mine:
At Thy command I go,
Or quietly attend,
Till all my rests, and toils below
In rest eternal end.