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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CCXXXII. Canticles, Chap. III.

Still was the Night, and all in Sleep lay drown'd,
But watchful Cares the Lover's Head surround;
And oft they start, and oft in Dreams they view
The dear lov'd Object and their Pain renew:
Thus while I slept, my busy wakeful Thought
Of him I lov'd, the pleasing Image brought:
Too strong th'Impression was for Rest to bear,
I sighing wak'd, and clasp'd but empty Air:
When from my widow'd Bed my self I threw,
And round the silent Streets distracted flew:
For him I lov'd, I sought, alas! in vain,
Nor cou'd I find the Cause of all my Pain.
Wand'ring thro' Paths unknown, the Watch I found,
Who thro' the City walk'd their nightly Round:


Of these, but still alike in vain enquire,
For him who is my panting Soul's desire.
Still I go on, and tempt without Affright,
(So bold is Love!) the Dangers of the Night:
Nor long before my Labour richly paid,
I found my Love, I seiz'd, I grasp'd, I staid,
And to my Mother's Chamber him convey'd.

Chap. IV. Ver. 8, &c.

From Lebanon, my Fair! with me descend!
My more than Sister! and my more than Friend!
Where Amana's and Shenir's Mountains rise,
And Hermon's hoary Head invades the Skies,
And see beneath an earthly Paradise!
Nor fear the Lions or the Leopards there,
Those Eyes will charm their Rage, nor can they hurt the Fair.
Those Eyes have stoln my Heart, no longer mine,
How far excels thy Love the Joys of Wine!
O how reviving is thy rich Perfume,
Diffusing Paradise all round thy Room!
Thy Lips, my Fair! with more of Sweetness fill'd,
Than the live Honey from the Rocks distill'd.
How soft thy Words! inimitable Grace
Adorns thy Lips, and Eden's in thy Face!
A Cherub guards the Gate with watchful Care,
A Spring shut up, a Fountain seal'd my Fair.


Thy choicest Plants in comely Order grow,
Pomgranats there their od'rous Sweets bestow;
Crocus and Nard, and fragrant Shrubs and Trees.
Thro' flow'ry Walks exhale a spicy Breez.
Since here my Charmer ought of Pleasure finds,
Blow on my Garden all the gentle Winds!
—And loe they hear, and loe kind Zephir brings
The mingled Treasures of a Thousand Springs,
A Thousand Sweets upon his balmy Wings!
They call their Kindred Sweets, they wake, they rise,
In odorif'rous Clouds, and fill the wondring Skies.