University of Virginia Library


Come down to us, help and heal us,
Thou that once life's pathway trod,
Knowing all its gloom and glory,—
Son of man, and Son of God.
Come down to us, help and heal us,
When our hopes before us flee;
Thou hast been a man of sorrows,
Tried and tempted, even as we.
By the weakness of our nature,
By the burdens of our care,
Steady up our fainting courage,—
Save, oh save us from despair!
By the still and strong temptation
Of consenting hearts within;
By the power of outward evil,
Save, oh save us from our sin!
By the infirm and bowed together,—
By the demons far and near,—
By all sick and sad possessions,
Save, oh save us from our fear!
From the dim and dreary doubting
That with faith a warfare make,
Save us, through thy sweet compassion,—
Save us, for thy own name's sake.
And when all of life is finished
To the last low fainting breath,
Meet us in the awful shadows,
And deliver us from death.