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[But all may now to God draw nigh]

The stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. —i. 51.

But all may now to God draw nigh,
Spiritual priests of the Most High,
May holy altars raise,


Offer their hearts, with Jesus there,
In grateful sacrificial prayer,
And sweet perfumes of praise.


[Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost]

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. —vi. 24.

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God in persons three,
Bring back the heavenly blessing, lost
By all mankind, and me:
Thy favour, and Thy nature too,
To me, to all restore;
Forgive, and after God renew,
And keep us evermore.


[Eternal Sun of Righteousness]

The Lord make His face shine upon thee, &c. —vi. 25.

Eternal Sun of Righteousness,
Display Thy beams Divine,
And cause the glory of Thy face
Upon my heart to shine;
Light in Thy light O may I see,
Thy grace and mercy prove,
Revived, and cheer'd, and bless'd by Thee,
The God of pardoning love.


[Lift up Thy countenance serene]

The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, &c. —vi. 26.

Lift up Thy countenance serene,
And let Thy happy child
Behold without a cloud between
The Godhead reconciled:
That all-comprising peace bestow
On me through grace forgiven,
The joys of holiness below,
And then the joys of heaven.



[Where is the Hebrews' God]

So it was always: the cloud covered, &c. —ix. 16.

Where is the Hebrews' God,
Who kept them night and day,
Where is the heavenly fire and cloud,
Which show'd Thy church their way?
No symbol visible
We of Thy presence find,
Yet all who would obey Thy will
Shall know their Father's mind.
Father, Thou still dost lead
The children of Thy grace,
The spiritual, believing seed
Throughout this wilderness:
Our chart Thy written word,
Thy Spirit is our guide,
And Christ, the glory of the Lord,
Doth in our hearts reside.
Thy providential care,
Lord, we with joy confess,
Assured Thou wilt our paths prepare,
And order all our ways;
Thy presence shall direct
Our journeys here beneath,
And convoy home Thine own elect
Through a triumphant death.


[Who in Thy word confide]

As long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle, &c. —ix. 18.

Who in Thy word confide,
From nature's haste set free,
Our patient souls by faith abide,
And fix their eyes on Thee:
Till Thou wouldst have us go,
We wait Thy Spirit's sign;


And cannot lose our time, we know,
By tarrying, Lord, for Thine.
To work for God is good,
If God our work ordain;
But stay'd by the incumbent cloud,
We in our place remain:
To cease from work is best,
If after Jesu's will;
For when at His command we rest,
We please our Saviour still.
Saviour, we wait the day,
The awful day unknown,
To quit our house, this tent of clay,
To lay our bodies down;
Expecting from above
The certain sign we stand,
As ready always to remove,
And die at Thy command.


[Most gracious God, reveal]

At the commandment of the Lord they rested, &c. —ix. 23.

Most gracious God, reveal
Thy will concerning me;
Whate'er I do, whate'er I feel,
I follow Thy decree.
Myself, and all my ways
To Thee I still resign,
Led by the Spirit of Thy grace,
And by the word Divine.
Jesus, I here abide,
Thy pleasure to fulfil;
My soul and all its motions guide
By Thy most holy will;


The counsels of Thy love
Be on my heart impress'd,
It then shall at Thy bidding move,
And at Thy bidding rest.
Eternal Spirit, spread
Thy love throughout my breast,
Who didst Thine ancient people lead,
And causedst them to rest:
While Thou my leader art,
And mak'st me Thine abode,
I find the witness in my heart
That I am born of God.
Father, Thy will be done!
To Thee I all resign,
The sole Disposer of Thine own,
Dispose of me, and mine:
At Thy command I go,
Or quietly attend,
Till all my rests, and toils below
In rest eternal end.


[Lord, I Thy charge obey]

They kept the charge of the Lord. —ix. 23.

Lord, I Thy charge obey
Who bidd'st my soul be still,
Whose cloud doth on my body stay,
And stops my acting zeal:
But while withheld I am
From labouring in Thy cause,
Thou bidd'st me suffer for Thy name,
And glory in Thy cross.
Whate'er my God ordain,
Contented and resign'd,
I wait, I watch, in ease, in pain,
The tokens of Thy mind;


To labour on for Thee,
If Thou appoint, I come;
Or let the cloud remain on me,
And sink me to the tomb.


[Whoe'er for sensual pleasures burn]

The multitude fell a lusting and said, &c. —xi. 4.

Whoe'er for sensual pleasures burn,
Or wish their lusts to gratify,
Back in their hearts to Egypt turn,
And basely for the fleshpots sigh;
And such, without repentance, shall
Death's victims in the desert fall.


[Meekest of all the sons of men]

If Thou deal thus with me, kill me, &c. —xi. 15.

Meekest of all the sons of men,
Did Moses peevishly complain,
And weak impatience show?
The holiest in that virtue fail'd,
In that wherein they most excell'd,
Till God appear'd below.
But now the better hope brought in
Gives perfect liberty from sin,
And Christ vouchsafes to' impart
The Spirit of holiness complete,
To make His saints for glory meet,
To make them meek in heart.


[No, Lord; it cannot shorten'd be]

Is the Lord's hand waxed short? —xi. 23.

No, Lord; it cannot shorten'd be,
That hand which plagued the' Egyptian race,
Which brought Thy people through the sea,
Which led them o'er the wilderness;
Which hath to us so often given
Drink from the rock, and bread from heaven!


That hand hath open'd wide mine eyes:
That hand, which now by faith I see,
Measures the floods, and spans the skies,
And grasps the winds,—and covers me!
It brings the blind through ways unknown,
It holds; it lifts me to a throne.
Kept by that hand, I cannot fear
Lest earth or hell should pluck me thence:
I trample on temptation near,
Supported by Omnipotence,
Possess'd of boundless power Divine,
Of boundless love—for Christ is mine!


[Eldad, they said, and Medad there]

There ran a young man, and told Moses, &c. —xi. 27.

Eldad, they said, and Medad there
Irregularly bold,
By Moses uncommission'd dare
A separate meeting hold!
And still whom none, but Heaven, will own,
Men whom the world decry,
Men authorised by God alone
Presume to prophesy!


[How often have I blindly done]

My lord Moses, forbid them. —xi. 28.

How often have I blindly done
What zealous Joshua did,
Impatient to the rulers run,
And cried “My lords, forbid!
Silence the schismatics; constrain
Their thoughts with ours to' agree;
And sacrifice the souls of men
To idol unity!”



[Moses, the minister of God]

Enviest thou for my sake? —xi. 29.

Moses, the minister of God,
Rebukes our partial love,
Who envy at the gifts bestow'd
On those we disapprove:
We do not our own spirit know,
Who wish to see suppress'd
The men that Jesu's spirit show,
The men whom God hath bless'd.


[Shall we the Spirit's course restrain]

Would God that all the Lord's people, &c. —xi. 29.

Shall we the Spirit's course restrain,
Or quench the heavenly fire?
Let God His messengers ordain,
And whom He will inspire:
Blow as He list, the Spirit's choice
Of instruments we bless;
We will, if Christ be preach'd, rejoice,
And wish the word success.
Can all be prophets then? are all
Commission'd from above?
No; but whome'er the Lord shall call
We joyfully approve:
O that the church might all receive
The spirit of prophecy,
And all in Christ accepted live,
And all in Jesus die!


[Alas for sinners that obtain]

While the flesh was yet between their teeth, &c. —xi. 33.

Alas for sinners that obtain
Their passionate request!
Indulged in nature's lust, they gain
A grief, a curse, a pest:


But our imaginary want
Thou wilt not, Lord, supply;
To them Thou dost in anger grant,
To us in love deny.


[Earth and hell Thy law opposes]

Wherefore were ye not afraid to speak, &c. —xii. 8.

Earth and hell Thy law opposes,
Cannot the commandment bear;
Speaking 'gainst Thy servant Moses,
Thee to contradict they dare:
O omnipotent Redeemer,
End their antinomian lore,
Still the undisguised blasphemer,
Let him vex Thy flock no more.


[What say the false faint-hearted spies?]

The people be strong, and the cities are walled, &c. —xiii. 28.

What say the false faint-hearted spies?
“Why should we make the world our foe?
Satan's strongholds that reach the skies
Can feeble flesh and blood o'erthrow?
The walls of our corruptions must,
Till death demolish them, remain:
The ruin of all pride, all lust
The Lord hath promised us—in vain.”


[How madly rash for puny man]

And moreover we saw the children of Anak there. —xiii. 28.

How madly rash for puny man,
The world, the fiend, and flesh to' oppose!
Our passions will their sway maintain,
Our terrible gigantic foes:
We must, who doubt the gospel-word,
With Satan and the world comply,
We must, who cannot trust the Lord,
Sin on, till we for ever die.



[Silence, ye unbelieving fears]

Caleb stilled the people, and said, Let us go up, &c. —xiii. 30.

Silence, ye unbelieving fears,
Who clamorously deny the word!
The promise on our side appears,
The power and goodness of our Lord:
Let us go up in Jesu's name:
Our sins shall all to Christ submit,
And who for us the world o'ercame,
Shall bruise the fiend beneath our feet.
Is anything too hard for God?
Through Jesus we can all things do;
Who Satan and his works destroy'd,
Shall make us more than conquerors too:
Let us at once the land possess,
And taste the blessings from above,
The milk sincere of pardoning grace,
The honey of His perfect love.


[In vain, ye fearful, faithless spies]

We be well able to overcome. —xiii. 30.

In vain, ye fearful, faithless spies,
Ye mis-report the land so good;
We stop our ears against your lies
“That sin can never be subdued.”
There's no unconquerable sin:
If God lead forth His host to fight,
We may, we must, the battle win,
And all o'ercome in Jesu's might.


[“Ah, no,” the faithless spies reply]

The men that went up with him said, &c. —xiii. 31–33.

Ah, no,” the faithless spies reply,
Who search'd with us the happy land,
“We cannot scale the forts so high,
Or 'gainst the sons of Anak stand:


Stronger than us our foes we deem.”—
But are they stronger than your Lord?
Giants are grasshoppers to Him,
To all who venture on His word.


[Our mighty sins they need not still]

They are stronger than we. —xiii. 31.

Our mighty sins they need not still
O'er us dominion have,
Less mighty to enthrall and kill,
Than Jesus is to save:
We hear our King and Captain's shout
Against our foes abhorr'd,
And leave them now to fight it out
With our almighty Lord.


[Poor abject souls that disbelieve]

Would God that we had died in the land, &c. —xiv. 2.

Poor abject souls that disbelieve
The promise, when it comes so nigh!
To God who dare not credence give,
For fear of death they wish to die:
They have the death for which they call;
But justly first their burden bear,
Their bodies in the desert fall,
Their souls are saved by Moses' prayer.


[Have I not often wish'd the same]

Have I not often wish'd the same,
In peevishness of mad despair,
Repined I out of Egypt came,
And vex'd I had not perish'd there?
While hopeless the good land to see,
I question'd, Lord, Thy truth and power,
And cried, “A saint I cannot be,
I cannot live, and sin no more.”



[Oft as our hearts to sin turn'd back]

Let us make a captain, and let us return, &c. —xiv. 4.

Oft as our hearts to sin turn'd back,
Impatient of Thy rule, we cried,
Of self let us a captain make,
And fly to Egypt with our guide:
And did not mercy stand between,
Our unbelief would still prevail,
Our guide would bring us back to sin,
And nature lead us down to hell.


[The Lord doth in His Son delight]

If the Lord delight in us, then He will bring us, &c. —xiv. 8.

The Lord doth in His Son delight,
Doth us for Jesu's sake approve,
Our faith is pleasing in His sight
Productive of obedient love:
And all who thus in Him believe,
Already with the earnest bless'd,
God unto them the land shall give,
The gracious, and the glorious rest.


[Nothing but sin can sinners slay]

Only rebel not ye against the Lord. —xiv. 9.

Nothing but sin can sinners slay,
Denied by Him they first deny,
Left by the God they chase away,
Because they will not live, they die;
Compell'd by no decree unknown
Who will not bow to Christ's command,
They perish, by themselves alone
Excluded from that heavenly land.


[Come on ye faithful souls, come on]

Neither fear ye the people of the land, &c. —xiv. 9.

Come on ye faithful souls, come on,
'Tis Joshua cries, “Be of good cheer,”
Your Leader to the land unknown,
Who knows your hearts forbids your fear:


Led by almighty truth and grace,
To sure and easy conquest led,
The promise claim, the land possess,
And eat up all your foes like bread.
The Lord Himself is on our side,
His presence in our camp we have,
And those that in His name confide
Jesus shall to the utmost save:
Then let us go with boldness up
'Gainst sin, the world, and Satan's powers,
And never faint, and never stop,
For God, and Christ, and all is ours.


[“Stone the blasphemers vile,” they cry]

All the congregation had stoned them with stones. —xiv. 10.

Stone the blasphemers vile,” they cry,
“Who urge us the good land to win,
And tell us, we may scale the sky,
And talk of living without sin!
They say, sin never need prevail,
All sin ye may with ease subdue:
They contradict their fellows' tale,
And dare avouch that God is true.


[Ah! Lord, with Thee we ask, How long]

How long will this people provoke Me, &c. —xiv. 11.

Ah! Lord, with Thee we ask, How long
Shall men Thy patient Spirit grieve,
Thy power mistrust, Thy goodness wrong,
Thy faithful promise disbelieve?
Not all the wonders Thou hast wrought
Can yet embolden them to seize
The' inheritance Thy blood hath bought,
The land of rest and righteousness.



[On us, almighty Lord, bestow]

I beseech thee, let the power of my Lord be great. —xiv. 17.

On us, almighty Lord, bestow
The blessing which we humbly crave,
The greatness of Thy mercy show,
And magnify Thy power to save;
Take all Thy people's sin away,
Its being with its guilt remove,
And thus in our behalf display
Thy whole omnipotence of love.


[Since first we did from Egypt fly]

Pardon, I beseech Thee, the iniquity, &c. —xiv. 19.

Since first we did from Egypt fly,
Hast Thou not shown Thy patient grace,
A thousand times our sin pass'd by,
And pardon'd a rebellious race?
Wherefore by all Thy mercies past
We pray Thee yet again forgive,
And let our souls, subdued at last,
To praise Thy love for ever live.


[Would the great God His rebels spare]

I have pardoned according to thy word. —xiv. 20.

Would the great God His rebels spare,
According to a creature's word?
He heard His Son in Moses' prayer:
And still He hears our pleading Lord:
The prayer of but one righteous man,
If Jesus in His servant breathe,
Can the Almighty's wrath restrain,
And millions save from endless death.


[Father, Thy promise we embrace]

As truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled, &c. —xiv. 21.

Father, Thy promise we embrace
Seal'd with the oath Divine,
The brightness of Thy heavenly face
Throughout our earth shall shine:


That all may do Thy perfect will
As angels do above,
Thou every ransom'd soul shalt seal
With Jesu's glorious love.


[Would we after Christ fulfil]

My servant Caleb, because he had another, &c. —xiv. 24.

Would we after Christ fulfil
The righteous law of love?
Careful to perform His will,
We shall His promise prove:
Who that other Spirit have,
The Spirit of faith to Caleb given,
Christ from all our sins shall save,
And settle us in heaven.


[All that in his footsteps tread]

And his seed shall possess it. —xiv. 24.

All that in his footsteps tread,
And dare their faith confess,
They are valiant Caleb's seed,
And shall the land possess:
Trusting God to bring us in,
We shall be perfected in love,
Enter here the rest from sin,
And then the rest above.


[And let my carcase fall]

Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness. —xiv. 29.

And let my carcase fall
Here in this wilderness,
So Thou my soul in mercy call,
And bid me die in peace;
For my rebellions past
Condemn'd till death I rove:
But give me to behold at last
Immanuel's land above.



[The saving promise is for all]

Ye shall know my breach of promise. —xiv. 34.

The saving promise is for all,
And all may live of Christ possess'd,
Yet thousands in the desert fall,
And never enter into rest:
By God ordain'd to life alone,
Through wilful incredulity
Destroy'd, they in that day shall own
It was no absolute decree!


[Who the strength of God distrust]

They presumed to go up unto the hill-top. —xiv. 44.

Who the strength of God distrust
Will in their own confide,
On their own destruction thrust
By selfishness and pride:
Marching up without the Lord,
Smitten before their foes they fly,
Fall on the destroyer's sword,
And unbelievers die.


[Raised from the people's lowest lees]

And seek ye the priesthood also? —xvi. 10.

Raised from the people's lowest lees,
Guard, Lord, Thy preaching witnesses,
Nor let their pride the honour claim
Of sealing covenants in Thy name:
Rather than suffer them to dare
Usurp the priestly character,
Save from the arrogant offence,
And snatch them uncorrupted hence.

Query? J. W.


[When once the devils are enter'd in]

Separate yourselves from among, &c. —xvi. 21.

When once the devils are enter'd in,
And make the frantic herd rebel,
Following a multitude to sin,
We surely follow them to hell.



[Jesus obtain'd us the reprieve]

Depart, I pray you, from the tents, &c. —xvi. 26.

Jesus obtain'd us the reprieve;
Yet must we use the means and fly,
The world, the tents of sinners, leave,
Or blended with the wicked die.


[While yet they hear the rebels' cries]

On the morrow all the congregation, &c. —xvi. 41.

While yet they hear the rebels' cries,
Sent quick to hell before their eyes,
Again Thy wrath they dare:
What, Lord, can, all Thy judgments do,
Unless Thy love our hearts renew,
And reign for ever there!


[Jesus, the merciful and true]

He stood between the dead and the living, &c. —xvi. 48.

Jesus, the merciful and true,
Between the dead and living stand,
The numerous dead, the living few
Who now divide Britannia's land!
Thou dost as in the midst appear,
Thou hast for all atonement made,
And through the incense of Thy prayer
The plague of unbelief is stay'd.


[Happy, for ever happy I]

Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, &c. —xx. 28.

Happy, for ever happy I,
If call'd, like him, the mount to' ascend;
Thine all-sufficient grace supply,
And bless me, Saviour, with his end:
O that without a lingering groan
I might the welcome word receive,
My body with my charge lay down,
And cease at once to work and live!



[Who murmur in the wilderness]

Our soul loatheth this light [Heb. vile] bread. —xxi. 5.

Who murmur in the wilderness
By daily wonders fed,
May loathe the comforts of Thy grace
As despicable bread:
But nourish'd still with fresh supplies
Of blessings from above,
The more we taste, the more we prize
The manna of Thy love.


[Faint my head, and sick my heart]

When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. —xxi. 9.

Faint my head, and sick my heart,
Wounded, bruised, in every part,
Satan's fiery sting I feel
Poison'd with the pride of hell:
But if at the point to die
Upward I direct mine eye,
Jesus lifted up I see,
Live by Him, who died for me.


[Jesus, mighty to convert]

If Balak would give me his house, &c. —xxii. 18.

Jesus, mighty to convert,
A secret power from Thee
Turn'd the covetous wizard's heart,
And caused his eyes to see;
“Now I must observe the word,
Beneath the government Divine,
Now,” he saith, “I serve the Lord,
And Israel's God is mine.”


[O the resistless power of grace]

How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? —xxiii. 8.

O the resistless power of grace
On an old prophet false, who loved
The wages of unrighteousness,
Till by almighty grace reproved


He with his sin his change confess'd,
And bless'd the men whom God had bless'd.


[Did God reject the pious prayer]

Let me die the death of the righteous! —xxiii. 10.

Did God reject the pious prayer,
To' avenge his former wickedness?
His body might the judgment bear,
His soul depart in perfect peace,
A sinner slain, yet justified;
For thus the good Josiah died!


[Saviour, thus o'errule Thy foes]

Let my last end be like his! —xxiii. 10.

Saviour, thus o'errule Thy foes,
Thee and Thine who now oppose,
By that Spirit from above
Turn their hatred into love;
Let them here our order see,
Share our happiness in Thee,
Die of Israel's God possess'd,
Live with us for ever bless'd!


[His life alas, I have not lived!]

Let me die the death of the righteous, &c. —xxiii. 10.

His life alas, I have not lived!
But from this instant turn'd, and grieved
For my transgressions past,
I live the life of righteousness;
And O my God, with pardon bless,
And give me peace at last.
Saved at my latest hour receive,
And bid Thy joyful servant live
Where grief is chased away,
My lot among the saints assign,
And let their final state be mine
In that triumphant day.



[Jacob then was free from blame]

He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, &c. —xxiii. 21.

Jacob then was free from blame,
And uncorrupted stood,
Israel, answering to his name,
Was prevalent with God.
While I keep my conscience clean,
Eschew mine own iniquity,
God, who sees my nature sin,
Imputes not sin to me.


[Christ, the Lord our God, Thou art]

The Lord his God is with him, &c. —xxiii. 21.

Christ, the Lord our God, Thou art
With them that trust in Thee;
Still Thou takest Thy people's part
'Gainst every enemy;
Faint our foes, when Thou art near,
Before Thy church they fly, they fall;
King of kings, Thy shout we hear,
And more than conquer all.


[Reflecting on this gospel-day]

According to this time it shall be said, &c. —xxiii. 23.

Reflecting on this gospel-day,
And Britain's happy lot,
Latest posterity shall say
What hath Jehovah wrought!
He hath the faithful seed increased,
Ten thousand souls forgiven;
With perfect love His people bless'd,
And caught them up to heaven.


[The man whom God so freely loved]

The man whose eyes are open, hath said, &c. —xxiv. 15, 16.

The man whom God so freely loved,
And bade his sin depart,
Opening his eyes, he found removed
The blindness of his heart;


He heard the word, “Let there be light,”
He felt the' almighty grace,
And saw, transform'd, the glorious light
Of his Redeemer's face.


[Happy soul, enjoy thy lot]

I shall see Him, but not now, &c. —xxiv. 17.

Happy soul, enjoy thy lot,
Finding Him thou soughtest not:
O that I with thee could say,
“I shall see Him in that day!”
When He doth on earth appear,
O might I behold Him near,
Now, like the old seer, forgiven,
Snatch'd as out of hell to heaven!


[Foretold by the converted seer]

There shall come a Star out of Jacob, &c. —xxiv. 17.

Foretold by the converted seer
The Star is out of Jacob come,
The King from Irsael did appear,
His church's foes received their doom,
And Christ, our manifested God,
Hath Satan with his works destroy'd.
Yet come, Thou radiant morning Star,
Again in human darkness shine;
Arise, resplendent from afar,
Assert Thy royalty Divine,
Thy sway o'er all the earth maintain,
And now begin Thy glorious reign.
Smite down the strength of Moab's pride,
The sons of Sheth their walls o'erthrow,
(Whate'er the world and church divide,)
That every soul its Lord may know,
Thee, Jesus, King of kings adore,
Till time and death shall be no more.



[Thy kingdom, Lord, we long to see]

Edom shall be a possession. —xxiv. 18.

Thy kingdom, Lord, we long to see:
Thy sceptre o'er the nations shake,
(To' erect that final monarchy)
Edom for Thy possession take,
Take, for Thou didst their ransom find,
The purchased souls of all mankind.


[Now let Thy chosen ones appear]

Israel shall do valiantly. —xxiv. 18.

Now let Thy chosen ones appear,
And valiantly the truth maintain,
Dispread Thy gracious kingdom here,
Fly on the rebel sons of men,
Seize them with faith divinely bold,
And force the world into Thy fold.


[Jesus, Thy coming we confess]

Out of Jacob shall come, &c. —xxiv. 19.

Jesus, Thy coming we confess
To reign in every faithful heart:
Thou hast subdued our wickedness;
Yet now Thy farther grace impart,
Take this indwelling sin away,
And all its cursed relics slay.


[Too well that Amalek I know]

Amalek was the first of the nations, &c. —xxiv. 20.

Too well that Amalek I know
Who still maintains the war within,
Thy people's first and sorest foe:
But Thou, O Christ, shalt end my sin,
Destroy my nature's enmity,
And reign, for ever reign in me.


[The powers that did from Chittim come]

And ships shall come from the coast of Chittim, &c. —xxiv. 24.

The powers that did from Chittim come,
O'erran and deluged all the East:
The' avenging arms of pagan Rome
Eber's degenerate sons oppress'd,


Slaughter'd, or chased through earth abroad
Those murderers of incarnate God.
While Satan fills the' unerring chair,
They still afflict the chosen seed,
The inward Jews they vex and tear,
The faithful Israelites indeed;
That papal beast the saints o'erpowers,
And with his iron teeth devours.
But Jesus, our triumphant Lord,
Soon as the witnesses are kill'd,
Arm'd with His Spirit's flaming sword,
In glorious majesty reveal'd,
Shall slay the antichrist of Rome,
And seal his everlasting doom.


[Thy word, O God, as right and just]

Vex the Midianites, and smite them. —xxv. 17.

Thy word, O God, as right and just
We faithfully receive,
Who wouldst, that no enticing lust
Should unmolested live:
A Midianite we will not spare,
(If Thou Thy grace supply,)
But all that did our souls ensnare
On Jesu's cross shall die.


[My sin will find me out, unless]

Be sure your sin will find you out. —xxxii. 23.

My sin will find me out, unless
I first find out my sin, and mourn,
Forsake it, ere the judgment seize,
And to the mighty Fortress turn:
My City of defence is sure,
To which I now by faith repair,
I dwell in Jesu's wounds secure,
And sin shall never find me there.



[Ah! foolish souls, the' accursed race]

If ye will not drive out the inhabitants, &c. —xxxiii. 55.

Ah! foolish souls, the' accursed race
Who will not utterly expel,
But suffer sin to keep its place,
But let it in your border dwell!
The' indwelling sin for which ye plead
Shall pierce you through with cruel pains,
Shall make your heart and conscience bleed,
And plague you with its dire remains.
Will ye the hateful relics spare,
And say, it is the Saviour's will?
The thorns ye for yourselves prepare
Your wounded sides and eyes shall feel;
Vex'd by the foes ye leave within,
In vain for rest, or help ye cry,
For you, who choose to live with sin,
There's no redemption—till you die!


[The sins which men at Thy command]

I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them. —xxxiii. 56.

The sins which men at Thy command
Refuse, O God, to' expel,
Shall sweep them off the promised land,
Shall drive them out to hell;
The lusts which for the Saviour's sake
They will not mortify,
Shall bring Thy threaten'd curse, and make
Their souls for ever die.


[Our City of defence, to Thee]

They shall be unto you cities of refuge, &c. —xxxv. 12.

Our City of defence, to Thee
From the avenger, Lord, we flee,
Who in Thy death confide;


Justice Divine pursues in vain
The men who God Himself have slain,
When shelter'd in Thy side.


[But lest we from our City stray]

But if the revenger of blood find him, &c. —xxxv. 27.

But lest we from our City stray,
And justice stern the straggler slay,
Thy hallowing grace bestow,
Bind us with cords of perfect love,
And hide our spotless souls above,
And never let us go.