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March 18-24
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March 18-24

....Mr. Meade not able to preach so we go with Cousin Lou .... A fine sermon but I was suffering too much to enjoy it. Take to my bed when I get from church but am well again by dark. A quiet talk with Sam while Sue and Giny are at Church. It rains too hard for me to go out ....Work on my quilt which is beginning to make quite a show ....Wednesday evening attend prayer meeting and then come home. Ma has quite recovered her health ....Bob Lewis spends a day and night with us this week. He brings me the news that Emily was to start making preparations to go to Africa on Thursday. I feel so troubled that she should leave Virginia without sending me a word of farewell. Think Bob must be mistaken. I can feel and think of nothing but Emily. Dear little woman what is to be your fate ....Mary Lewis from home all the week helping Mrs. Meade to sew. Mrs. Meade has a sewing machine but does not know how to use it and she has such a host of children Mary Lewis went over to do some work for them ....