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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quinto, Ad saluandum iustos.

Quinto, Ad saluandum iustos.

Also þe Holy Gost wos sent
to saue men þat ryȝtwis wer,
& þat shewes verament
by oon word þat sayd is her,
That hele wele mon call may
the Holy Gost from heuen bliss
in-to erthe wos send this day,
In his nome þat Ihesu is
to saue all men þat dyden not mys
Bot wolden Amend hor lyfe for ay,
þus wytnes Gregory I-wis
be A worde þat I shall say:

In nomine Ihesu, id est salutis, pater misit spiritum, vt ostenderet, quod ad saluandas gentes venit.

The Holy Gost wos send Also
to teche þos þat vnconnyng wer,
As preues by þat Crist sayd [þ]o
er he stegh to heuen cler;