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Page 270


Incorporated in October, 1907, under a Perpetual Charter granted
by the State of Virginia, the Colonnade Club occupies Pavilion VII.,
West Lawn—the interior having been suitably and tastefully remodeled
for the Club, and comprising assembly, reading, chess, sleeping, pool,
billiard and bath rooms.

The Resident Members, about 88 in number, include all the administrative
officers and nearly all the Faculty and Teaching Staff, together with
a number of local alumni and friends of the University. Through the
dues paid by them the Club is amply self-sustaining for all purely local

There are 4 honorary Members, in addition to the (ex-officio)
members of the University Board of Visitors and the Trustees of the
Miller Fund.

One of the Club's most notable features is now its rapidly growing
list of Non-Resident Members. Just as the Club's founders intend that
it shall be an attractive place for local social intercourse, they earnestly
desire that it shall become the recognized center of the alumni-life of
the University—a center at which the returning alumnus can always feel
himself thoroughly at home, thus inducing him frequently to revisit the
old college-haunts. For these visits, as well as for the Reunions of Alumni
Associations, Graduate Classes, etc., the Club's hospitalities are cordially
offered. Its founders believe that it is the mission of this Club to help
thousands of the University's widely scattered sons to keep in closer
touch with their Alma Mater and with each other than would otherwise
be possible. The earliest accessions were in May, 1908, no active steps
looking toward enlargement having been taken until the September following.
At this writing (January 1, 1909) there are about 210 Non-Resident
Members. The warm welcome this movement is receiving is
well attested by the fact that this branch already includes representative
names in 30 States. The Club's founders believe that this list will in time
include a substantial proportion of the University's Alumni. It is with
this end in view that the very low rate of dues fixed for non-resident
membership (namely, $4 a year) was decided upon.

Designed as a means by which Alumni and other non-residents might
specially evidence their hearty cooperation, it is hoped that the Club's
class of Life Membership will commend itself to many friends of the
University. Rate, $100; no other fee or dues.


Page 271

The Officers of the Club are: Thomas W. Page, President; R. Marshall
Price, Secretary-Treasurer. The members of the Board of Governors
are: Thomas W. Page, Richard Heath Dabney, Wm. M. Thornton,
Armistead M. Dobie, Stephen H. Watts, Wm. Minor Lile, L. Bruce