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A New and Important Enterprise Which is Destined to
Result in Great Good to This City and Section.

The Roanoke Overalls Company, Incorporated,
which was established in March, 1911, is a joint stock
company in which a number of Roanoke's influential
business men are interested. It started with a capital
of $10,000 but it was soon apparent that the capital
stock was inadequate to carry on the business as
planned and it was immediately increased to $25,000.

The company now occupies a handsome two-story
brick structure on First Avenue, Northwest, extending
through to Center Street, the building being
sixty-five by two hundred feet. It is owned by Mr.
H. C. Elliott and was constructed especially for the
home of this new enterprise.

The Roanoke Overalls Company, Incorporated,
manufactures overalls, shirts, and working pants
and is equipped with all the latest machinery and
modern appliances for the manufacture of this line
of goods, the present capacity of the plant being
six hundred pairs of overalls and working pants
per day. It is the intention of the promoters of the
enterprise to greatly increase the output in the near
future. New machinery is being installed for this
purpose, when from one hundred and twenty-five

to one hundred and fifty people will be given employment,
all of whom will command good wages, for the
character of work turned out from this plant.

The company has already established a fine business
and the demand for its output is growing rapidly.
Shipments have been made to the states of Nebraska,
Texas, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, and
Tennessee. Besides, the products of this factory have
been shipped to a number of Central American States
and to Panama. So successful has been the operation
of the plant and the demand for its products so great,
it has become necessary to open an office in New York.
Through this office a large portion of the products of
the Roanoke Overalls Company will be handled for
foreign trade.

The "$" mark is the trade mark of this new enterprise
and it is placed on all goods manufactured, being
emblematical of the fact that the purchaser receives
full value for every dollar invested.

The officers of the company are J. C. Cassell, President;
H. C. Elliott, Vice President; W. R. Reamy,