University of Virginia Library

16. Pass Him On
By H. G. ADAMS (1854)

Pass him on! Pass him on!
Another soul from slavery won;
Another man erect to stand
Fearless of the scourge and brand:


Another face now lifted up,
Lips that drink not sorrow's cup ;
Eyes no longer dimmed by tears,
Breath no longer filled with fears;
Limbs that have no galling chain
Their free motions to restrain;
Back no longer bowed and scored,
But with birthright now restored,
He that late the burden bore
Felt the lash and pangs untold,
To be chattelised no more,
Bartered, given, bought or sold
Pass him on !
Pass him on! Pass him on !
Though his foes be legion;
Though the bloodhounds on his track,
Yelling, strive to bring him back;
Though man-hunters from the south
Threat you with the pistops mouth,
And the federative law
Would your spirits overawe.
Heed them not—imprisonment!
Take it, and be well content;
Heed them not; endure the fine;
Grow, through sacrifice divine;
Do as you'd be done unto,
Careless of the consequence ;
Keep the higher law in view;
Heed not ruffian violence.
Pass him on
Pass him on! Pass him On !
Let him lie your couch upon;


Give him raiment, give him food,
Give him kindly words and good;
Watch and guard his hours of rest;
Hide him from the searcher's quest
Through the city wrapped in sleep,
O'er the river broad and deep,
By the farmstead, through the vale,
Lighted by the moonbeams pale;
O'er the prairie wild and wide,
Where the red men still abide
(Hunters these, but not of slaves-
Far more merciful than they);
Storms and tempests, winds and waves,
Nought the fugitives must stay.
Pass him on!
Pass him on ! Pass him on !
Crime hath he committed none.
Would you have him grovelling lie
In the bonds of slavery ?
Nobler far to rend in twain
And throw off the yoke and chain;
Nobler through the darkness grim,
Dangers thick besetting him,
Freedom thus to seek in flight,
'Scaping from the gloom of night
Unto freedom's glorious morn;
From the darkness to the dawn
Leapeth he o'er chasms wide.
Help him all who help him can,
God the north star for his guide
Giveth every fellow-man—
Pass him on!