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A Drama [Part 2]

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Scene X.

—The reserve of Hannibal's army drawn up at a little distance in the rear, watching the progress of the battle in front. Adherbal commanding the Spaniards.
1st Span.
Alack! alack! On either wing, the dust
Rolls the wrong way! Good bye to them! There they go—
Lælius and Masanissa at their heels!
As for the elephants, where are they?

2nd Span.
Fled—slaughtered! You may ask, where, too, just now,
Are Hanno and Maharbal!

3rd Span.
You'll not find them
In yonder rout, I'll swear! Never Maharbal
Turned bridle from the Roman squadrons yet!
He lies on yonder field, I'll be bound for him.

4th Span.
Ha! The Hastati have found their match methinks!
Well done! well done! Those young troops fight like us!
They'll leave us nought to do!

5th Span.
Cowards! O cowards!
What, will those Carthaginians bear to see
The front line hewn to pieces? Shame upon them!
We fight for him, and not for these.

6th Span.
We know
'Tis us he looks to, for the victory—
And we shall win it too, let cavalry
And elephants fly where they will!


5th Span.
The gods!
'Tis he himself! He dashes to the front!
He'll bring them to the charge! Why, by the gods,
Will he not take us, too?

6th Span.
Must we stand here
Like effigies of soldiers set in line
For children to make sport with?

Patience! patience!
Your time will come! This victory will be yours,
Your winning like the others! Never fear,
It will be yours to rout the Roman legions,
Ere Lælius and the traitor Masanissa
Return from their hot chase.

5th Span.
And we will do it!

[Adherbal passes along the line.]