University of Virginia Library


A Chain of Mountains leading to a valley, in which is the Altar of Sacrifice—a Funeral Pile on each side—Priests discovered as having just finished digging Cora's grave—Xaira officiating and commanding.


“Brethren the grave's prepar'd—away—
“Bring Cora hither—hence—obey.”

The Priests retire—Rolla ENTERS, gazes wildly round him at the preparations—Juan comes on much agitated—Rolla asks him whom those preparations are for; he answers!
Friend to the virtuous, this may well appal—
Alonzo! Cora! her whole race must fall!

Hearing a solemn march at a distance, Rolla draws his sword—determines on some great effort to save Cora, and is rushing off, but, stopping short suddenly, beckons Juan to follow him—the procession appears on the hills, sinks in the valley, then rising again comes forward—as THE Characters ENTER they divide, so that Alonzo and Cora are on opposite sides, and Telasco with the Child and ZoraiAtaliba, in his car, takes the centre! when the procession is ended—a pause—Ataliba summons the Priests.
The laws pronounce with just tho' mournful breath
On Alonzo, Cora, and her kindred, death!


(Priests all bow.)
Cora approaches her father with trembling steps, he averts his eyes—she kneels wringing her hands in agony—Zorai, overcome with affection, raises her—Alonzo makes an effort to assist, but is thrust back by Zorai—Cora points to Alonzo, requesting them to forgive him—he approaches, they all embrace; and, joining hands, in one link, firmly intimate they are ready to meet their fate— Ataliba descends his car and comes forward.
Alonzo, ere confirm'd your sentence, have you ought to plead?

Save, save the innocent, 'tis I alone should bleed.

At this period the sun rises—Ataliba prostrates himself before it—anxious attention pervades the whole assembly—Ataliba comes forward.
Telasco—Zorai—Infant ye are free,
Heaven wills for innocence mild clemency.

(They are liberated.)
Xaira and Priests apparently murmur—Ataliba casts an eye of displeasure on them, and proceeds—


The laws offended, mercy here must pause,
The king himself is subject to the laws.
Alonzo! Cora! have ye ought to plead?

They bow their heads intimating no—Ataliba commands the Priests to do their duty—Pontiff and Xaira go to the altar—one takes from it the sword, the other the palm branch, symbols of justice and mercy, and deliver them to the king.
Guided by heaven your judgment be decreed!
Cora and Alonzo kneel—after a short struggle,

Solemn and just our laws pronounce your doom,
(Four guards rush on with torches, and seize Cora and Alonzo.)
The glaring torch in deadly awe appears,
Cora, to light thee to thy living tomb,
Alonzo's heart's blood trickling with thy tears!

He is on the point of raising the sword as a signal to dispatch him, when Rolla, wildly, rushes on with a drawn sabre in his right hand, a javelin in his left, and a bow and quiver at his back—he is followed by a considerable number of Officers and Soldiers exclaiming:


“Mercy for Cora! with the world at strife,
“Tis Rolla pleads! save! save! oh, save her life!

Rolla kneels, and the whole troop!—the king endeavours to conceal his emotions and preserve his dignity.—Xaira seizes Cora—Rolla pushes him aside, and rushing before her, appears determined to shield her.
Mercy! mercy!

Arm'd and ask mercy, 'tis mere mockery,
Thy king disdains the armed rebel's plea!

Rolla (striking his javelin on the ground) bites his lips with convulsive indignation—Cora, timidly, embraces and kisses him—then forces the sabre, &c. gently from his grasp, and lays them at Ataliba's feet, making a motion to the warriors, who ground their arms—she then draws Rolla affectionately towards Ataliba, at whose feet she throws herself— Rolla, after a few moments struggle, kneels by her.


—(to Rolla).
Dost thou submit?
(Rolla bows in acquiescence)
Then take thy forfeit life—pardon receive.

(Rolla points to Cora, soliciting her pardon, Ataliba proceeds.)
Now hear my sentence.
(He again takes up the sword and palm branch he had laid down on the entry of Rolla—Cora and Alonzo come forward—Telasco supports himself on Zorai—Ataliba, after a short pause, with his right hand strikes the sword against the ground and breaks it, then with his left presents the palm branch to Cora.)
Be the law abolish'd—Cora—Alonzo live!

Cora swoons in Alonzo's arms—Rolla springs up, and presses the king, wildly, to his breast—Xaira looks down gloomily—the child raises her hand gratefully towards heaven—Telasco, supported by Zorai, affectionately approaches his daughter, and the people burst out in the following
To the fountain of mercy enraptured we sing,
Long, long live our Inca—long, long live the king.