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An Historical Tragedy

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Kiosem's Apartments.
Kiosem. To her the Bassa of Bosnia.
What News, dear Bassa, from the Sultan's Council?

BASSA of Bosnia.
Alas! my Princess, all his Ways confound me;
Surely his Soul is not of human Temp'rament,
Ever aloft above the Reach of Mortals.

Thy tedious Preface racks me with Suspence;
Speak, Bassa, speak; give, give me the Result.

BASSA of Bosnia.
Scorning to lord it over the Female World,
His Highness has declar'd a Resolution
To constitute his Aphendina Empress.

Confusion! What Opposition met he?


BASSA of Bosnia.
Myself oppos'd him singly; but his Arguments
Rested on Demonstration so convictive,
That Malice self-abash'd, blush'd Acquiescence.

[Enter an Eunuch of Kiosem, who on Sight of the Bassa seems shy of speaking.
Here's only Friends; dispatch, say what bring'st thou?

The Janizaries so impatient grow,
And ripe for Mutiny, they make no Secret
Of their Resentment to the Sultan's Measures:
They have expell'd their Aga and Lieutenant
For their Attachment to his Majesty:
They say, from several recent Executions,
They're sure his Highness spurs their Leaders on,
To less'n their Numbers, by Degrees reduce 'em,
And make them useless to the State; nay, farther,
Alledge their Corps is not recruited yet,
Or like to be, since the late Devastation
They suffer'd, in the needless War with Poland.
They make some Murm'rings about Arrears,
And blame the Sultan's squandering his Cash
On gaudy Shews, while they remain unpaid.


My Wish! keep them alarm'd, abet their Courage,
And let them know, they want not Friends at Court:
[Exit Eunuch.
What think'st thou, Bassa? This bespeaks Rebellion!

BASSA of Bosnia.
I see your Highness tow'ring 'bove your Foes,
And wayward Fate lies couchant at your Feet.

Let's lose no Time; Occasion on the Wing
Beckons away, to snatch the glorious Prize.
