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Upon Act the third Scene the first.

When Achilles drew my Hector's limbs] See Note the 9. upon Act 2. Scene the 1.

Feign'd Achilles] Patroclus the Companion of


Achilles, who having indued his Armour, fought against Hector and was slain, Hector supposing he had slain Achilles.

This holy Seat] The Sepulchres or Domiciles of the Dead were always held sacred by the Ancients, and held a most heinous crime to violate them, and were therefore spared by the Enemies themselves. The Sepulchre was a kind of vault arch'd and roof'd within, where the urn or little chest which held the bones was placed, without, it was built with costly compartments and rare workmanship, and sometimes to a stupendious greatness.