University of Virginia Library


Enter Wheadle, and Palmer dress'd like the Lord Bevil.
So, my Proteus, exactly dress'd!
Dexterous Rogue! Is Grace ready in her Geers, and
Settl'd in my Lady Dawbwells house?

Every trap is baited.

I'le warrant thee then we catch our Cully:
He's gone to put himself into a fantastick
Garb, in imitation of Sir Frederick Frollick;
He's almost frantick with the very conceit
Of gaining the rich Widow. But heark, I
Hear him coming; slip down the back way,
And to your charge.

[Exit Palmer.
Enter Cully.
Sir Nich.
Wheadle, and what think you of this
Habit? is it not very modish?

As any man need wear: How did you


Furnish your self so suddenly?

Sir Nich.
Suddenly? I protest I was at least at
Sixteen Broakers, before I cou'd put my self
Exactly into the fashion; but now I defie
Sir Frederick; I am as fine as he, and will be as mad
As he, if that will carry the Widow, I'le warrant

Is it not better pushing thus for a Fortune,
Before your Reputation's blasted
With the infamous names of Coward and Gamester?
And so become able to pay the thousand pounds without noise,
Then going into the Country, selling your Land,
Making a havock among your Woods, or mortgaging
Your Estate to a scrupulous Scrivener, that will
Whisper it iuto the ears of the whole Town,
By inquiring of your good behaviour?

Sir Nich.
Excellent Wheadle! And will my Lord
Bevill speak my commendations to his

She is impatient till she see you, Sir;
For in my hearing, upon the account I gave him
Of you, he told her you were the prettiest, wittest,
Wildest Gentleman about the Town, and a Cavalier
In your heart; The only things that take her.

Sir Nich.
Wheadle, come, I will go to the Tavern,
And swallow two whole quarts of Wine
Instantly, and when I am drunk
Ride on a Drawers back to visit her.

Some less Frollick to begin with.

Sir Nich.
I will cut three Drawers over the pate then,
And go with a Tavern-Lanthorn before me at noon-day.
Come away.

[Exeunt, Cully singing.