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A Tragedy

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Montezuma, and Orbellan, attented by Mexican Chiefs.
See that our walls be doubly lined around!
And let our boats bear off the sick and maim'd,
Infirm old age, and helpless infancy,
Safe to the southern shore, that fronts the coast
Where now our foes entrench. Sambello, Malech,
See this perform'd!—

[They prostrate themselves, rise, and go out.


My father, and my King!—

[Bends his knee.
My Guyomar?—by my great sire, the Sun,
The noblest gift that he could send!—My child,
Champion of Mexico, thy country's pride,
Thy father's boast, his younger Montezuma!
The gods, the gods be praised!—

O, royal sir!
O'erwhelm me not with honours much unmerited.
I blush to say a son of Montezuma
Was, this hour, captive to the arms of Spain,
Even of that Cortez, whose protecting word
Late saved the royal house of Mexico,
From the insulting arms of false Traxallans.
I am the second offering of his bounty;
And, from his side, and head, and generous breast,
He pluck'd these arms, and put them on his slave,
To make the glory of your Guyomar
Look bigger than his shame!