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Enter Hypsipyle in haste.
Sure Rhodope has reach'd this place before me;
But hark! she's here: fly swift, my friend, to Jason,
[meeting Eurynome, she takes her for Rhodope.
Tell him the king yet lives, and that this hour
Shall see us both together at the port:
Yet stay awhile, for Jason with his friends
Perhaps may meet us, and secure our flight.

[goes towards the grove.


[to herself.]
What secret treason here has chance discover'd!
Now well I know, my son, why round me hovers
Thy plaintive ghost; and have I then in vain
Been plung'd in guilt? And must the tyrant live?
O no—nor shall it e'er be said I've lost,
The fruit of all my crimes, a great revenge.

[goes out in a rage.