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A tragedy

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Before the Prison.
(Confused noise of a skirmish at some distance.)
Narbal, Decius.
They rush like gaunt and hungry wolves upon us,
While our's resist like deer.—All hope is fled.
Behind, dismay, and the keen sword of Phorbas,
Before us, horrid darkness, fierce remorse,
And death.—O pangs insufferable! fallen,
Sunk from the lofty sphere in which I sail'd,
And eagle-like gazed on the midday sun!
Brought level with the dust.

Hence with complaints,
Absurd and weak!—Or shall we hide ourselves?
Creep into some vile nook? and perish there?
No; let us measure back our steps with speed,
Meet the victorious foe, rejoin the fight,
And dearly sell our lives.

Hold—thro the clouds
A ray breaks forth.—Go thou and lend thine aid
To Claudius, who maintains the unequal contest,
The shatter'd remnant of our troops to bring
To the inner court.—Meanwhile this prison guards
Our only chance of safety. Belisarius


Still lives, tho blind; his family are our's.
Them, thro the subterraneous avenue,
To the same place will I convey. There urge
Thy swift retreat, and leave the rest to me.

I go with speed.
[Exit Decius.

Too eagerly my soul
The dictates of resentment hath pursued.
I should have spared his eyes—that deed may close
The mind of Phorbas, bar up each access,
And render him inexorable.—No—
To save their lives he cannot but relent.
And to preserve my own, tho shorn of honours,
Is worth each strenuous every desperate effort;
Yet they too may be mine.—But should I plan
A fruitless enterprize, and baffled fall,
Not mean and unadorn'd shall be my death,
The blood of glorious victims floating round.

(Enters the Prison with some of the Guards.)