University of Virginia Library

Scæn. 1.

Romanio and Eurilochus, with Plusidippus.
This present to the King of Thessaly
Will gain us both reward and pardon too
For all our former Pyracies upon
His seas and ships.

Ay, he hath ne're a son,
For to inherit the Thessalian Crown:
Hereby this lad may gain a Kingdom, whilst
We seek but our liberties and lives,
For time to come, and pardon for what's past.
This is the place the King doth oft frequent,
When publick cares oppress his Royal head,
Here he unloads the burthen of his thoughts,
And changes cares for recreation.—
See where he comes! God save your Majestie.


Long live Agenor, King of Thessaly.

Enter King.
What meanes this bold intrusion? who are ye?
That dare presume into our private walks?

Pardon, great Sir, we come not to offend
Your sacred Majestie, but to present
Shews Plusidippus to the King.
You with this living gift.

This is a gift
Indeed; where had ye him, or what's his birth?

Please you, dread Sir, grant us your pardon then,
We shall declare unto you what we know.

Take it, we freely pardon ye. Now speak.

Then be it known unto your Majestie,
VVe the two famous Pyrats are, you have
So long laid wait to take, but all in vain.
Roving upon the coasts of Arcady,
VVe found this beauteous youth upon the shore,
VVhom (we suppose) the seas had wrack't, but sav'd
His life, which we have nourish'd ever since,
And now bequeath unto your Majestie:
For which we beg no recompence, but this,
To seal our pardons for our former faults.

Look that for time to come ye honest be,
And for what's past we freely pardon ye.

Thanks, Royal Sir, the remnant of our lives
VVill we spend in your service, and so give
Again, our lives which you have given us,
VVhen they were forfeit to your laws and you.

This is a welcome gift. VVhat a divine
Beautie doth sparkle in his countenance!
Surely he cannot be of mortal race


Descended, but Jove himself hath sent him,
To be the happy heir of my Kingdom.
Immortal Jove! I thank thee for this gift.
Thou couldest not have sent a welcomer.
My pretty lad, where wer't thou born? canst tell?

I know not, Sir,—my name is Plusidippus.

Come, follow me, now have I found at once
An husband for my daughter, & an heir
For the Thessalian Crown. Thrones are supplied
By Jove, who, when the root is withered,
Can make more heav'nly branches to sprout forth,
Which may in time grow mighty trees to shade,
And shelter all their liege-subjects under.
