University of Virginia Library

Scena Tertia.

Enter Ovid, Solus.
Sure I was born when all the glorious Starrs
Were met in Councell to contrive a Mischief.
Under pretence of my Loose youthfull studies,
For the composing of my Art of Love.
In my declining years (when I expected
Ease, and a quiet Life) I was exil'd
From Rome, and here confin'd to end my daies
Among a people rude, and almost barbarous,
Except a few of th'Gentry and Nobility,
In a Cold Country (where fierce Jether payes
(Through divers channels) a Continuall Tribute


This vast streams into the Euxine Sea,
And many have imagin'd Julia
Daughter of great Augustus was too gracious.
And liberall of her Amorous Favours to me;
Which caus'd him to inflict this Punishment.
But ere that Emperour left the world, he was
Inform'd (for that Particular) of my Innocency:
And was acquainted that, if I were faulty,
It was an Error in me, not a Crime;
For if I er'e enjoy'd her, it was through
Her craft; I taking her to be another.
But he was too severe; That excellent Princess
He shew'd as little Mercy to, as me.
Now about Twenty years; in the small Island
Of Trimerus (near the Apulian Shores)
Confin'd by him sh'hath led a tedious Life.
I must confess she had a Generous kindness
For me, and took delight to read my Poems.
But by her Letters, and Authentick witness
Clear'd me sufficiently from that Reproach:
And won thereby so much upon her Father,
That I had been repeal'd if he had liv'd.
Since his Decease by divers Messengers
(Persons of Noble Rank and Quality)
And by her eloquent Epistles she hath
(For my Return to Rome) importun'd much
The great Tiberius, her too Cruell Husband.
But he that to a wife (who brought him all


The Universe in Porcion), shews no mercy,
Will not redress my wrongs. Here I must mourn
Out all my Life; and find my Funerall Urn.
