University of Virginia Library




[Originally accompanying a pair of kid-leather shoes, which the Earl of Buchan had requested me to make with my own hands for his lady, then at Dryburgh abbey.]

Full was the moon, and climbing high,
Beam'd soft on Emma's flowing hair,
And rival stars along the sky
Were sparkling through the frosty air.
The powder'd blades on every sod,
Like glittering arms before us lay;
And crumpling snow where'er we trod,
Reflected back the friendly ray.
Her breath, that met the piercing cold,
Quick vanish'd, and a tear was seen,
While thus her story Emma told
Of summer-days, how bless'd they'd been.


My father is too poor, to own
The mountain flock, or wandering kine;
One kid has all our fondness known,—
I call'd the blithsome creature mine.
Of kids that ever climb the steep,
With all the frisks of wanton glee,
Of all that graze the dell so deep,
The merriest of the race was he.
Without him if I stole away,
And gain'd the mountain's airy brow,
He'd join me there, and seem'd to say,—
Look down upon our home below.
Light on the cliff he'd bound along,
Now climb aloft and now descend;
And while I sung my morning song,
Would circle round and round his friend.
When wild-rose buds began to peep,
And June, amidst her choice of flowers,
Bade dripping clouds their distance keep,
And welcomed forth the sunny hours—


When fresh the earth, and clear the sky,
And blackbirds caroll'd through the grove;
Both morn and eve my kid was nigh,
And I return'd him love for love.
And Allen, was he here e'en now,
He'd print the snow in scowering by,
And with such strength, that even you
Would wonder how he leap'd so high.
My father's loss had grieved me more;
Then, poor indeed, would Emma be.
But next to him—a bosom'd store
Was that poor innocent to me.
And nothing but a father's weal,
Should e'er have torn him from my side:
His life supply'd a sick man's meal,
Who else most surely, must have died.
Forgive my tears—'twas sure a sin,
A crying sin, at Donald's door,—
A travelling pedler had his skin,
And I shall never see him more!


Her eye uplifted, mild and blue,
Convey'd a more than usual bliss;
While to my lips her cheek I drew,
And lurking echo, mock'd the kiss!
Oh soothe, sweet girl, thy troubled mind,
Though dear a short-lived kid might prove;
To me, be you as true and kind,
You'll find a life of lasting love.
I've kids at home; then come with me,
We're natives both of this sweet vale;
And bring thy tenderness with thee,
But tell no more this piteous tale.—
Thou, and thy kid, no more can meet:
Yet his soft skin, that knew no stain,
On some fair lady's gliding feet
May visit these wild hills again.
Then let the thought thy bosom cheer;
From trifles oft our comforts flow;
And love can spread his blessings here,
As spring dissolves the mountain snow.


And will you then no more be sad?
And will you share my kids with me?
Shallspring, which makes Tweed's side so glad,
Shall spring have coming joys for thee?
Where are the flowers of bonny May?
We know the sun will bring them forth—
And can I trust thy pity? say,
For pity speaks the soul of worth.
“Yes, trust me, Allen; by this light—
“I'll hide my heart from thee no more.”—
I won my Emma's love that night,—
Oh, love! respect our humble door.
While flowers burst forth, while leaves decay,
While crystal treasures, Tweed, rolls by,
Be thou the guardian of our way,
And bless our cottage till we die.