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By William Allingham

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Noo I'm three-an'-twenty,—
What'n a time I'm losin'!
Sweethearts I hae plenty,
A' the trouble 's choosin';
Some are landed men,
Some wi' heaps o' siller,—
I can wale frae ten
Richer than the Miller.
Than a dusty, dusty,
Common dusty Miller;
Just a rusty, fusty,
Musty, dusty Miller!
Pairk the walthy tailor's
Crabbit-like an' bandy;


Sandy Brown the sailor's
But a shiftin' sandy;
Hawick's head's like snaw,
An' his heart it's chiller,—
Tho' he's laird an' a'
I'd sooner tak' the Miller!
E'en the dusty, dusty,
Landless dusty Miller;
Just the dusty, dusty,
Working dusty Miller!
Hearty, blythe, an' ruddy,
Fresh and pleasant-featured,
With his footstep studdy,
An' his laugh good-natured;—
If I'd ten times mair
Beauty, birth, an' siller,
Yet, I do declare,
I wad tak' the Miller!
Aye, the dusty, dusty,
E'en the dusty Miller!
Tho' he's dusty, dusty,
Just the dusty Miller!