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Idyls and Songs

by Francis Turner Palgrave: 1848-1854

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Ada, at some distance, singing.
How should we greet the friends we meet
Restored from long exile?
With the joyous beat of tripping feet,
With garland and with smile?
The joy supprest: the quiet breast,
The gentle words and few:
The faintly trembling hand show best
The loving heart and true.
Love alters not by time or spot,
By parting, or by meeting:—
Best sign of absence unforgot,
Is that unalter'd greeting.
The sudden flush of drops that rush
Surprise or fear reveals:
Some hidden thought the conscious blush
Half tells and half reveals.
Love's eager eyes drink in the flush
For silent watching meetest:
The transient treasures of the blush
In his own hour are sweetest.