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By George Outram: Containing a number of new pieces & fifteen illustrations by Edward J. Sullivan

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(In lines varied from old Scottish Ballads.)

When bonnie young Johnnie went over the sea,
He said there was naething he liket like me.
He sang an' he whistled while haddin' the pleugh,
Though of gowd an' of gear he hadna eneugh.


But noo he has gotten a hat an' a feather—
An' its hey! brave Johnnie, lad! cock up your beaver.
His kin are for ane o' a higher degree,
What has he to do wi' the like o' me?
Although I am bonnie, I amna for Johnnie,
An' werena my heart light I wad dee.
Lang hae we parted been,
Johnnie my dearie;
Noo we hae met again,
Laddie, lie near me!
Near me! (Suddenly wakening.)
Dear me!

Did ony ane hear me?
Could Johnnie been listenin'?
Dear me!—Oh dear me!