University of Virginia Library



Tom was a rosy boy
When he went to College,
Brimming with health and joy
When he went to College.
None of all the student clan
Dared his steps to follow,
When the Session he began,
Like a bright Apollo!
Tom was a naughty boy
When the months proceeded,
Good advice I gave the boy,
Good, but little heeded.
Hotly panting for the goal,
Not a moment idle,
With mad haste he spurred his soul,
Scorning bit and bridle.
Tom was an altered boy
When the Session ended,
Pale his cheek and sunk his eye,
When the Session ended;


Pills and potions made display,
Nurse and leech attended,
Lean and languid where he lay
When the Session ended!
Where now is rosy Tom?
O do not ask me!
I can only weep for Tom,
Now when you ask me!
He who was so bright and swift,
Like a flashing river,
Lies now whence none may lift,
Cold, cold for ever!