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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“But the word is very nigh thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.” —Deuteronomy, xxx. 14.

Say not The law divine
Is hidden from thee, or afar remov'd;
That law within would shine,
If there its glorious light were sought and lov'd.


Soar not on high,
Nor ask who thence shall bring it down to earth;
That vaulted sky
Hath no such star, didst thou but know its worth.
Nor launch thy bark
In search thereof upon a shoreless sea
Which has no ark,
No dove to bring this olive-branch to thee.
Then do not roam
In search of that which wandering cannot win;
At home! At home!
That word is plac'd, thy mouth, thy heart within.
Oh! seek it there,
Turn to its teachings with devoted will;
Watch unto prayer,
And in the power of faith this law fulfil.