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On the BIRTH-DAY of a LADY.

To hail Louisa, this auspicious day,
Ye sister muses annual tribute pay.
Ye sons of science, greet this happy morn,
On which my gen'rous, honor'd, friend was born.
My ardent wishes, gentle maid receive,
My steady friendship, and my love believe.
Health and contentment, crown thy youthful days,
And sacred honor, guide thy peaceful ways,
Plenty and ease, thy constant help-mates be,
From malice, envy, and oppression free,


May fortune smile, propitious o'er thy life,
And guard thy gentle breast from care and strife.
Thus pass thy moments innocently gay,
And joys arise, with each revolving day,
That when grim death, shall spread his shadows round,
With bliss eternal, may thy life be crown'd.