University of Virginia Library

On the May morning.

The summer's morn unveils her eyes,
And darksome shades dispels away;
The dawning glade shines round the skies,
And Phœbus smiles at new-born day.
Around his orb, the blushing east,
With rosy streaks, bedecks his rays;
Refulgent thus, he mounts from rest,
And all his radiant beams displays.


Intensely swift he circling moves
Around the skies with flaming blaze;
The great creator, God above,
Each day renews his constant race.
Now pearly dews each flower spreads,
And early flocks from coverts rise;
The verdant lawn they sporting tread,
While western gales around 'em sighs.
The lark, with chearful voice on high,
Soars up the ætherial way;
And views the far extended sky,
With songs to greet the happy day.


The lusty swains their cottage leave,
And to their fleecy flocks repair;
And tune their pipes till dusky eve,
Diurnal with the tender care.
Bright Phœbus, now, the dew exhales,
And chears the fainting languid flowers;
And smiling nature decks the vales,
Around the shady ambient bowers.
The feather'd tribes their voices raise,
Concordant with each other sing;
And whilst they love, they strive to praise
Their Maker, heav'n's eternal king!


The trees expand their leaves around,
All in their bloom, and gay attire;
And sylvan maids with garlands crown'd,
At thy approach, when love inspire.
The purling rills, and flow'ry meads,
Their yielding beauties spring around;
And nature all her sweetness spreads,
O'er the enamell'd vernal ground.
Extensive God! supreme essence!
Of nature's bounteous blooming store,
To thee I laud thy excellence,
And sing of thy almighty pow'r!