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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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To the Tune of Peggy I must Love Thee.

As from a Rock past all Relief,
The Shipwreckt Colin spying
His native Home, o'ercome with Grief,
Half sunk in Waves and dying;
With the next Morning Sun he spies
A Ship, which gives unhop'd Surprise,
New Life springs up, he lifts his Eyes
With Joy, and waits her Motion.
So when by her whom long I lov'd,
I scorn'd was and deserted,
Low with Despair my Spirits mov'd,
To be for ever parted:
Thus droopt I, till diviner Grace
I found in Peggy's Mind and Face;
Ingratitude appear'd then base,
But Virtue more engaging.
Then now since happily I've hit,
I'll have no more delaying,
Let Beauty yield to manly Wit,
We lose our selves in staying;
I'll haste dull Courtship to a Close,
Since Marriage can my Fears oppose,
Why should we happy Minutes lose,
Since Peggy I must love thee?
Men may be foolish, if they please,
And deem't a Lover's Duty,
To sigh, and sacrifice their Ease,
Doating on a proud Beauty:


Such was my Case for many a Year,
Still Hope succeeding to my Fear.
False Betty's Charms now disappear,
Since Peggy's far outshine them.